How to cancel Virgin Media Broadband at the end of my contract
Cancelling your Virgin Media Broadband is Free. Contact details can be found here
Cancelling your Virgin Media Broadband contract early
Virgin Media’s terms and conditions state:
“If you decide to end part or all of your services with Virgin Media during a minimum period, we may charge you an Early Disconnection Fee.
The Early Disconnection Fee will not be more than the charges you would have paid for the services for the remainder of the minimum period and will be less any costs we save, including the cost of no longer providing you with the services”
Virgin Media’s early disconnection Fees vary and depend on the services that you have, how much you pay for those services and how much of your minimum period remains for each service.
For more information and guidance on how to calculate the early disconnection fee visit the Virgin Media Early disconnection terms and conditions page.
Virgin Media cancellation and contact details