How to cancel Vodafone Broadband at the end of my contract
Cancelling your Vodafone broadband at the end of your contract is free.
Vodafone Broadband uses the Openreach network (BT phone line). If you switch to another Openreach provider, they will handle the cancellation and broadband switch.
Cancelling my Vodafone Broadband contract early
Vodafone terms and conditions state:
“An Early Termination Fee may apply to you when you cancel your Vodafone Home Broadband and Phone Agreement (broadband and home phone) during your Minimum Period.
Your Early Termination Fee will be calculated based on what Vodafone Home Broadband and Phone Price Plan you have agreed to with us and how many months you have left in your Minimum Period ”
More information can be found in the ‘Termination Fees‘ section of the Vodafone Price Guide
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