What is the difference between ADSL and Fibre broadband?

ADSL broadband is also referred to as Standard broadband which has an average download speed of 10 – 11Mbps. ADSL broadband is delivered through copper phone lines to transfer information. This is why you need a phone line for standard broadband.

Fibre broadband is faster and has top speeds well over 300Mbps. Fibre broadband uses optic cables to send and receive data as flashes of light which results in a quicker and more reliable connection.

Fibre broadband is available in two flavours:

Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC)
The connection between the Exchange and the street Cabinet is fibre. The last leg from the Cabinet to your home will be cooper.

Fibre To The Premises (FTTP)
The whole length of the connection from the exchange to your property is fibre. This connection type is faster that FTTC and slightly more expensive and limited in availability.

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